A little about my path

I was born in 1990 in Santiago de Chile, in a family full of curiosity and love. I got room and support to explore myself and follow my desire to climb trees and play with my creativity. Movement was a big part of my essence, so my body and I grew up pretty close together.

Driven by a deep desire to understand society and make a difference, I started my adult life studying Economics. I thought that would be a good place to start to change the world, but by the end of my studies I felt rather lost, my dreams and aspirations started to fade, as I found there no joy, pleasure, or passion… so I decided to move to Berlin and expand my world; quickly, Berlin became my home and my love.

Around the end of my twenties, I entered a deep dark night of the soul, I found myself face to face to my shadows and fears, and had to let go of my ideas of who I was and what I wanted, as I realized I was truly unhappy in my professional life, and deeply disconnected from my true self. The healing journey was raw and beautiful, and inspired me to travel to India, into the roots of Yoga - my life long companion - and become a teacher.

This opened the world to me again, this time from the inside, and I realized my way to make a difference was not in the impersonal world of numbers, but in the hearts and bodies of people, in the symbols and magic that guided me my whole life, in the questions about love, life, and happiness, and the deep curiosity and wild journey through my own shadow self that opened to me the realm of shadow work.

Movement, breath, and awareness. After finding my path, it was easier to continue following my curiosity, as my creative energy was free again to run wild. My next step was learning Energetic Body Psychotherapy, which gave me the tools to guide and support others in the journey into themselves.

I am eternally curious and in constant search for understanding of the world, liberation of my soul, and connection to myself and others, and I am profoundly honored to invite you work with me ♥

With love,
